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Rekisteröidy Offiblogit Yhteisö Kalenteri Viestit tänään Haku

Terrorism Terrorism, terrorist hits, terrorist organizations, terrorists, Osama bin Laden

Työkalut Etsi tästä viestiketjusta Näkymä
Vanha 01.02.2003, 17:18
MäIte MäIte ei ole kirjautuneena
Rekisteröitynyt: 29.09.01
Sijainti: Iceland.
Viestit: 959

America LOST to Iraq in Pentagon wargame

quoter Johnson argues that the lessons taught by the wargame and by the situation the US military finds itself in are the same. "What we need is more stuff for the soldier on the ground," he said. "Cruise missiles are interesting, but they don't go and knock on doors. They tend to blow up the whole building."
quote:However, since September 11 not all elements of the Rumsfeld-Marshall plan look equally relevant. NMD would have been of no use against domestic airliners. Marcus Corbin, an analyst at the Centre for Defence Information in Washington, argues that RMA still does not meet the new realities. "What is important now is how good is your human intelligence, and how good are your diplomatic relations with neighbouring countries so you can base operations on their soil," Mr Corbin said. "RMA is nice but when it comes to a question of priorities, Bin Laden has shown the RMA is still going in the wrong direction.",00.html


*Let's kill them all and let Gods sort them out*

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Käyttäjiä lukemassa tätä viestiketjua: 1 (0 jäsentä and 1 vierasta)


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Sivu luotu: 15:46 (GMT +2).