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This And That Everything that does not fit under any other category

Työkalut Etsi tästä viestiketjusta Näkymä
Vanha 18.02.2002, 08:13
Viestit: n/a

Valittaminen kannattaa aina (?) osa II

Minä Kirjoitin:

--- Original Message ---
From: *********
To: "MSN Messenger Support" <>
Sent: Sat Feb 16 20:24:59 PST 2002
Subject: HOW-TO / File Transfer / Other

Description : How do i select the port where i listen for file transfers and such. Please PLEASE don't tell me that your software is so stupid that it only has one fixed port for this. or random port range. Do you think all people have all their ports open? I have 11 open ports (TCP) and i need to change the port (listening ports) inside this range to use messenger. If this can't be done, i will use some other (wiser) messenger program. Presuming that port can't be changed of course

if the port can be changed please tell me how. All i find from help files are stupid beginners stuff, nothing about ports, codecs etc.

BrowserType : IE 6
VSP : None
PassportSignInName :
OS : Windows 2000
ISP : Other
GeneralQuestions : HOW-TO
TopicArea : File Transfer
SpecificConcern : Other
WhereFrom : MSN Download
ClientVersion : 4.6
Feedback : Submit Feedback
ConnectionType : DSL

Microsoft kirjoitti:

Hello Moontv,

Thank you for writing to MSN Messenger Service about the port settings.

We understand that you are having some issue with transferring files or connecting to our service within company network or behind NAT. Please follow the steps below.

1. From the Messenger UI, click on “Help”
2. Choose “Help Topic”
3. Choose “All Topics”
4. Choose “Guide for Network Administrators”

Your questions should all be answered here.

For additional online help, please go to:


MSN Messenger Support

Your satisfaction with my Customer Service is very important to me. Please click on the link below to let me know how I am doing. With your comments, please include my name and ticket number (found in this mail's subject line) to help me keep track of my performance.

Customer Service Survey:


HOH. MS on tehnyt jonkun kikkulan joka hakee avainsanoja tukeen lähetetyistä viesteistä, ja lähettää tollasen valmiin vastauksen löydetyistä sanoista riippuen.


Vastaa lainaten

Käyttäjiä lukemassa tätä viestiketjua: 1 (0 jäsentä and 1 vierasta)


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Sivu luotu: 18:13 (GMT +2).