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Roleplaying Games Dungeons & Dragons, Call of cthulhu, Cyberpunk, GURPS, MERP, Warhammer

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Vanha 07.01.2003, 23:25
Lars:n Avatar
Lars Lars ei ole kirjautuneena
Humble Administrator
Rekisteröitynyt: 22.09.01
Sijainti: Helsinki, Finland
Viestit: 2.471
Blog Entries: 2

Nyt pelit käyntiin!


Nuorempana tuli pelattua roolipelejä tosi paljon. Nyt kun porukka on muuttanut minne sattuu ja hajonnut, ei ole vuosiin tullut pelailtua.

Isoin ongelma pelien käyntiinsaamiseksi ei ole asuinpaikka (yleensä) vaan ajan puute. Miltä kuullostaisi jos aloitettaisiin sellanen hidastempoinen (kaikille sopiva) e-mail roolipeli? Varmastikin kaikki kerkiäisi keskimäärin yhden mailin lukemaan ja kirjoittamaan päivässä?

Peli voisi toimia vaikka siten että aluksi pelinjohtaja selittäisi tilanteen, tutustuttaisi pelaajat ja hahmot toisiinsa.
Pelaajien vastausmailissa olisi sitten tietoa mitä pelaaja meinaa tehdä (niin pitkälle kun pelaaja saa mietittyä) Esim:

1) etsin kaupungista jonkun halppis asekaupan
2) ostan plaaplaa
3) teen sitä ja tätä

Sitten jos tulisi jotain vastoinkäymisiä, tai joku tehtävä ei onnistuisi pelaajan toivomalla/kuvailemalla tavalla, toimintaputki katkeisi siihen ja pelinjohtaja kirjoittaisi vastausmailin pelaajalle selittäen mitä hahmo teki ja mitä tapahtui.

Jokaisella vuorolla pelaajat tietty pystyisivät tekemään saman verran asioita, pj pitäisi huolen että samassa ajassa kun toinen käy maitokaupassa, ei toinen voi rakentaa eiffel-tornia (jne).

Tähän tyyliin.

Pelaajat tietty voisivat keskustella keskenään postilla ja suunnitella strategiaa kuinka päihittää pelinjohtajan punomat juonet.

Miltä kuulostaa? Onko kiinnostusta?


Vastaa lainaten
Vanha 07.01.2003, 23:30
KariSalmelainen KariSalmelainen ei ole kirjautuneena
Rekisteröitynyt: 17.02.02
Sijainti: Ulan Bator, Mongolia.
Viestit: 785

Ikinä en ole moisia pelannut, eikä mielenkiintoakaan ole ollut. En oikeestaan edes tiedä miten toi homma loppujenlopuks menee. Mut voin mä mukaan lähtee kait..

-ozz7pp.. ke?-
Vastaa lainaten
Vanha 07.01.2003, 23:32
Lars:n Avatar
Lars Lars ei ole kirjautuneena
Humble Administrator
Rekisteröitynyt: 22.09.01
Sijainti: Helsinki, Finland
Viestit: 2.471
Blog Entries: 2

Lue kari vaikka

Siinä selitetään vähän perusperiaatteita. (skimmasin läpi)

Vastaa lainaten
Vanha 07.01.2003, 23:54
Lars:n Avatar
Lars Lars ei ole kirjautuneena
Humble Administrator
Rekisteröitynyt: 22.09.01
Sijainti: Helsinki, Finland
Viestit: 2.471
Blog Entries: 2

Play By e-Mail FAQ

An Argosy of PBEM Advice


Everything You Ever Wanted
to Know About Running or
Playing in Play-by-Electronic-
Mail Role-Playing Games


Zen & the Art of PBEMs,
The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to
PBEMs, PBEMs on $1.50 a Day,


Compiled by Andrew Fabbro


Version 1.0
5 February 1994

Section 0: Introduction & Table of Contents

This document is a modest collection of advice on the fine and noble art
of running and playing in play-by-electronic-mail (PBEM) role-playing
games. It does not cover role-playing games that were specifically
designed to be played as PBMs/PBEMs (such as Atlantis, Arena, etc.).
Instead, it offers advice on how to adapt paper-and-pencil RPGs to PBEM play.

To my knowledge, the only net.doc ever previously written on the subject was
Chua Hak Lien's excellent _Totally Harmless !Complete Guide to PBEMs_. After
mentioning it rather casually on, I was flooded with requests
for copies. After seeing Bruce Saul and Rob McNeur post other useful
advice, I decided to compile all this sage wisdom into a formal (ha!)
document. Everyone concerned was kind enough to grant me permission, and
thus, the Argosy of PBEM Advice.

However, this document is far from finished. If you have anything you'd
like to add, or if you are aware of other on the subject, please
send them to me ( so I can include them in the next version.
Here is your chance to be a big your name in little pixeled
lights...and gain big heaping bucketfuls of good karma. Heck, you might
even inspire someone to start a PBEM you'd like to play in. The only rule
regarding material for the Argosy is that the original author must grant
me permission to include it.

Your feedback and opinions would be happily received at

This document has been posted at and


Section 1: The Totally Harmless !Complete Guide to PBeMs by Chua Hak Lien
Section 2: Article by Bruce Saul
Section 3: Article by Rob McNeur

Needless to say, all copyrights held by the articles' respective authors.

Section 1: The Totally Harmless !Complete Guide to PBeMs

by Chua Hak Lien

Once in a while, one will see a post in the**
nesgroups about a PBeM game being started by so-and-so. So you might be
asking? What is a PBeM? How does one take part? How does one start one?
Well, this article attempts to answer some of your questions. So
read on, pilgrim...

I. What is a PBeM?

PBeM stands for Play By Electronic Mail. Basically, in the context
of RPGs, this means that the game is played with players and Gamesmaster
communicating and sending moves to each other via email. ( Now, wasn't that
enlightening? ) It is a good compromise for those GMs and players who cannot
afford the time to play face-to-face or can't find a game in their area,
and who don't want to resort to a PBM, or a play by mail, game.
The advantages of a PBeM include:
[a] The players won't call out for pizza and make you pay the delivery
boy for it.
[b] Your mom won't come in and ask about the female wearing the chain mail
bikini on the cover of the module you're running.
[c] No little kid sister breaking into giggles just as Zorkath, Lord of
Darkness, prepares to scarifice the party to the pit of Infernal
[d] You won't have to clean up your house afterwards.
[e] No more Born Agains protesting outside your home.
[f] No more struggling with names like 'Rl'yeh', 'Drizz't',
or 'Nyarletheop'.

II. How do I get to play in one?
Hang out night and day in the* newsgroups, watch
out for a PBeM post to appear, and send out a reply immediately. It would
be good if you had a character prepared, but the most important thing to
do is to reply AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, because spots for PBeM games are likely
to fill within 24 hours of the posting, if not much shorter.
Sending out a post requesting that someone take you in for their PBeM
is not likely to work. The likelihood of getting a reply is probably about
the same as that of getting viciously maimed by a group of
grenade-launching hamsters while jogging.

III. How do I run one?
Ahh.. now we're talking.
Firstly, you have to be willing to put time into your PbeM campaign.
How often do you want your moves to be? Once a week? Once every two days?
The length of your moves should be proportional to the time you want the
players to reply back by.
Next, ask yourself, do you REALLY want to run a PBeM? Spend long
thankless nights sifting through moves and answering questions, and roll
dice all alone in your cold dark room. A lot of PBeMs go belly-up even
before the first move is sent, mainly because someone just like you thought
that they did want to play, but lost interest after a week. Make sure
you'll willing to commit the time involved. It will be just as much as
that for a face-to-face RPG, I assure you.
So you decided to run your own PBeM. Well, good. Here are some
guidelines so that you can preserve your sanity.

[a] Decide on the game system and milleu.
Sounds easy enough. Keep in mind that for the most part, you'll
want the game to flow pretty quickly. Avoid rules-intensive games, and
consider using a system with little combat. Combats are difficult to run
in PBeMs, and the faster they can be resolved, the better. Also
decide what supplements or rules-additions will be used.
Of course, the player should have the basic set of rules that
you are using, as well as know the background to the milleu,
if you're using a commercially availabe product. If not, you'll have to
spent a few hours every night sending out dossiers on why the Quorantigas
of the Land of bani-Wani stuff crickets up their nose, and other background

[b] Decide on the number of players.
How many players do you want? The best number all depends on the time
you have available and the kind of game you like. Some PBeMs work well
with just one or two, while others may have up to 10, but this makes
for an administrative headache as players dissapear, are busy because
of homework or run off to have babies.
But you might ask, should there only be one group?
The answer to that is an emphatic YES. With multiple groups running
around, you'll be facing the possibility of a brain haemorrage trying to
remember who did what to whom, when and how. Stick to ONE group at a time,
and if you're thinking of running a tourament like game, in while several
solo players run around in a dungeon or similar setting, TRASH IT! You'll
never be able to find the time to write out all the moves!

[c] Decide on how the players will generate their characters.
For games with point allocation systems, this is fairly straightforward.

For games which depend on random generation for ability scores or
stats, come up with a fair system. For AD&D, I use a 80 point system to be
divided between the six ability scores. For scores below 16, the point
conversion is on a one-to-one basis. ( A score of 14 requires 14 points. )
For a score of 16, 16.5 points are required, a score of 17 requires 18.5
points, and a score of 18 requires 21.5 points. In the case of Charisma,
the point cost is only 75% of normal, as most players will try to shave
off points from this score. Any additional points left is converted to
XP ( 100 xp per .1 ) or gold ( 100 gp per .1 ). Example: Krag the
Dwarf has these abilty scores: Str: 16 Int: 10 Wis: 11 Dex: 14 Con: 17
Cha: 10, which makes 16.5+10+11+14+18.5+(10*.75), or 77.5 points. He spends
2 points on XP, and the rest on gold, giving him 2000 xp to start with,
and 500 extra pieces of gold to spend.

[d] Post to the appropiate* group.
So now you're almost ready! The big moment! Now you can actually
POST and declare to the world that you are starting your very own PBeM!
Give yourself a congratulatory shake, a pat on a head but not at the same
time, of course...
The content of the post should say:-
i. The rules you are using.
ii. The movement rate.
iii. The power level of the characters.
iv. And some brief background of the game world, if you're feeling
egoistic and want to show your works to the whole of USENET.
So post, and prepare to be deluged with mail. You will probably
find your game oversubscribed and you should savor the moment, because you'll
probably never ever receive as much email in such a short span of time ever
But of course, you might want to stop the flood. So
do the following.
i. Send out another post saying you have enough players.
ii. CANCEL the article with your PBeM announcement.
The latter should do the trick, but folks from Northern Europe
will probably still be mailing you for the rest of the week. Anyway...

[e] Decide who to take in
Yes, this is the hard part. Send your intro to those who have replied
to your email, and ask them to start sending their characters. You'd probably
want to include additional material on the tone of the game and the background
of your world, so that players don't wind up sending Stimpy the clown
characters for your Neuromancer-inspired universe.
Not everyone will reply to you. A 50% attrition rate at this stage
is common, as repliees decide they have better things to do like decorating
the lawn and watching the goldfish. But don't be disheartened, you've gone
too far to back up now! Pump out your chest and thumb your nose at those
who have deserted you, pitying them for missing out the game of a lifetime..
And now sift through the characters of those who have remained loyal
and are actually interested. Decide who to take in. Look for good background
and effort in characters, and who will make DMing interesting for you as
well. You'd probably want a good spread of characters; not just in terms
of profession, but in personality as well. Else you may wind up with a
whole bunch of 'dark, dour men' who clamber with each other to grab that
unlit spot at the corner of the tavern.
Avoid characters that hint of munchkinism. Out. No. Ah-ah. Sorry.
Twelve year old child geniuses with PhD's in Molecular Cell Physics and
Biology, as well as a black belt in karate, as an example.

[f] Send out acceptance and rejection mail
So make your choice, and mail to those lucky individuals who have
been selected to participate. Keep a waiting list as these few may
decide they want to mow the lawn or watch the goldfish instead and
drop out.
Then, prepare the rejection slip. For your convenience, I have
included this form letter which you may freely use:-

Dear [insert name here],
I am sorry to inform you that despite the wonderful character you
have sent me, I am unable to find space to fit him into my game.
I hope you will be able to find another PBeM campaign as good as
mine will be to play in. Thank you for your interest.
Yours Sincerely,
[ Insert your name here ]

Avoid the temptation to gloat. It makes for bad public relations
on the net and high medical insurance.

[g] Finalise the characters.
Ask your players to finalise the characters, and make them fit into
the background of your campaign world.
Then, you are ready to begin!!!!

[h] Format for Moves and Mails
It is advisable to you a standard format for replies to posts.
First or Third Person, and it's also best that the other players be able
to read each other's move, so you don't have to spend your time relaying
mail between players. Third person is best, as it makes it easier to
In the subject line of the post, ask the players to tell you
the name of the character as well as the subject. You may want to number
moves as well.
Subject [ Krag: #4 ] At the F.O.U.L Scharwz

You may also want to have players send their moves in a special
format, so you can easily read what they want to do. An example would be the
use of '<...>'s to denote actions, '"..."'s for speech, and '[...]'s for
questions to the GM. You may want to use '{...}'s for 'if this happens, then
the character does that moves.' For example:-

< Krag the Bloody draws out his Battle Axe +2, +3 against plush beings and
chops at the giant animated Undead Gund Squirrel >

"Take THAT, you ball of fluscious, fragrant fur!"

{ If Krag kills it, he will draw out his crossbow and start shooting at
those monkeys with the unicycles zipping above him. }

{ If Krag is just about to get killed, he will fall down onto the floor,
twitch his feet and play dead. }

[ Are the Barbie Dolls attacking Mikhol the Magnificent? What weapons
are the Ken dolls holding? ]

[i] Format for GM's posts
Of course, you can do whatever you want with your posts.
But do not abuse your powers. Do not make the players address
you as 'God'; 'Your Highness' should suffice.
To make life for your underlings better, however, it is suggested
that you also use a nice format for your subject line, as in:-
Subject: [ Nordok, Move # 5: At the F.O.U.L. Schwarz ]
( Where Nordok is the name of the game world in this case. Oh? It's
not as good as Oerth or Greyhawk or Glorantha. Well, sue me! )
For your post, you might want to write up in the third person
a story detailing the results of all the PC's actions, like so:-

Krag's axe bites deep into the fur of the Gund Squirrel. Coughing up
a hairball, it falls to the floor and dissolves into a pile of nylon.
Then the dwarf draws out his crossbow and begins to shoot at the unicycle
riding monkeys.

Mikhol the Magnificent casts a spell on the Barbie dolls, changing them
to Cabbage Patch Kids. They all head off in search of a good plastic

Toghar bonks the head of the Furry surf Troll with his baseball cap of
homerun hitting. He then takes out his lasso to foil the escape of the
windup elephant.

< ZAT! > Krag's first bolt just nicks the head of the monkey. The hairy ape
hurls a coconut at Krag in return, hitting the dwarf squarely on his
helmet and stunning him. Krag falls to the ground, unconscious!

Then from the gateway appears the two enemies your party has hunted for
all this while! You see a man in brown robes holding a packet of french
fries, next to a huge cat in metal sheet armor spewing dirt from it's mouth.

"Oh no!" Cries Princess Elyria, the maiden you have just saved from
suffocation from the giant Goofy doll. "It .. it is... the fiendish
Chip Monk and the Muck-Filled Plated Puss! Oh.. what will we do????"

The Chip Monk raises the bag of fries and casts a spell on Tohgar, changing
him into a pig even before any of you can act. His lasso drops down and
the porkine entangles itself in the coils of the rope with it's futile

"Hah! He isn't nothing but a bound hog now!", laughs the Chip Monk.

{ Will our heroes survive? Tune in next time and send in your moves by
Tuesday, or else they won't. }

Postscript: Note the nice use of threats. Use sparingly, but with style.

Postscript II: Also note that in PbeM's, one cannot hear the players groan.
No more will you hear the comments of philistines who are unable to appreciate
the greatness of your creations.

Postscript III: All this is a suggested format. Some games have worked
totally well without with, but it depends on the perspective of the gamers.
Do you want more functionality in your posts, or storytelling? Find a
balance that works. A storytelling style basically discards all rules in
favor of a writeup of events.

IV: Troubleshooting
[a] Combat
In two words, FORGET IT. Detailed combat is going to take too long,
and you'll probably be asked to draw ASCII maps to show the layout of the
scene as well. Try to avoid combat as much as possible. PERIOD. PBeMs are
better suited for role-players and problem-solvers than
hack and slashers.
If you do need to resolve combat, try to do at least 3 or 4 combat
rounds per post, or even more. Your characters may quibble, but try to
come to a compromise which everyone can agree upon, and stick with it.

[b] Rewards / Power gain
You may want characters to ascend in power faster than in a face-to-
face game. Give more experience points if or more character points. In
addition, give points for role-playing and smart moves.


Section 2: Article by Bruce Saul

From: (Bruce Saul)
Subject: Running an AD+D pbem
Date: 18 Jan 1994 17:16:25 GMT

A few thoughts on running an AD+D pbem gleaned from my own
experiences at dmming since September of 1990.

1. Once a week is just not enough. You have to send out
two updates a week minimum or your players will lose the thread of
what is happening.

2. Whether the player rolls the dice or whether you do is
less important than what you do with the roll. By this I mean
draw the game with large brush strokes and with vivid colors in your
descriptions. Use solid action nouns and verbs in descriptions.
Exploit fumbles to put the characters in danger, and let their superior
rolls mean something.

3. Mystify, mislead, and confuse your players. :-) Well,
not really. What I mean is deliberately take the game out of the
ordinary, expected, and documented in order to develop in the mind of
the player the same uncertainty and apprehension which would be in the
mind of the character in the game. Don't use easily recognizable
monsters, or pat spell descriptions, or cliche plot twists. Or if
you do take a few seconds to make them somehow different. Anyone in
a pbem will most likely be a veteran of many role playing sessions.
The standard bar brawl, or stand up fight against orcs is just not
going to interest them.

4. Reward the efforts made by players to individualize their
characters by support in your own postings. If you have an elderly
Dwarf priestess who is a master chef let her find cook books in a
library, and have npcs ask for their favorite regional meal. If
a player creates a style of movement and of speech for their character
in their postings try to maintain this when you send out an update.

5. Always let your players be the most important people
on the scene. If your game starts the characters at first level
then find a way to isolate them so the only npcs with the party
are level 0 or advisors. Give them challenges suited to their
abilities. Never place a higher level Npc with the party as
'insurance'. Nothing kills out the fun of a game session like
a dm run npc who totally outclasses the characters.

6. Try to maintain a balance in the game in terms of things
for folks to do. Find challenges for every class of character, and
make it equally important for each character to succeed. Each of
your players is taking important time from their schedules to be
in your game. Give them a reason to eagerly scan their mail list
for your postings.

7. Encourage your players to think about the previous
history of their characters and use the character's past as an
anchor in developing sub-plots for them. I have a gnome mage
who has seen his sons die, victims of a plot of chaos. Driven
to understand why the world is as it is the character seeks to
become a sage. He actively collects bits of esoteric knowledge and
speaks of 'when all this is over'. This depth of play is a
priceless gem, especially when the player has the skill to
maintain it over several years, as this player has.

8. Do not needlessly overcomplicate your plots, or
weave multiple levels of puzzle into a campaign. Remember that
more communication will take place in a six hour face to face
gameing session than in a year of pbem gaming. Overcomplicated
plots drag, and cause players to lose interest. Puzzles are too
often answerable in a single manner. Creativity and enthusiasm
are the chief ingredients of a successful pbem. Encourage these
by having several possible 'logical' solutions to riddles, puzzles,
or traps. And if your players come up with something which might
work which you have not previously considered give it a fair
chance to succeed.

9. Be understanding in the treatment of error. As a
dm you are going to forget things about the characters, and the
players are going to attempt things beyond the scope of their
abilites. If you make an error, and have it discovered by the
player be gracious enough to make correction as soon as possible.
If a player directs their character do something which is
not possible by the game rules send them individual e-mail explaining
the relevant rule and ask for a revision of the proposed action.

10. Be patient with those who cannot temporarily contribute.
Vacations, mailer problems, and work schedules wreak havoc with a
player's ability to contribute at times. Learn the ways of each
character so that you can write for them if the player cannot
post an update. On the flip side encourage the players to
contribute by involving their characters in the action through
careful construction of plot and use of npcs.

11. Never, never trick your players into doing harm
when they intended good, or evil when they wished to be the heroes.
It is the world's easiest thing to create a situation where the
well meant actions of a character can result in harm to an innocent
npc. Resist the impulse to do this at all costs. Conversely
do not confuse your players as to the moral implications of a
possible action. Most pbem players really want to wear the
white hat. If there is to be mud on the brim let it be by the
conscious, and fully informed action of the players. Don't
screw them over.

12. Resolve to put the energy into the game which it and
the players deserve. This is the toughest thing to do. There will
come days, or even weeks, when you just seem flat in terms of the
idea of sending out an update. Well, buck it up, and send out
that update! You have others who are waiting on your posting in
order to continue the game. In starting the game you have pledged
to maintain a level of response to player postings. If you find you
can't keep the game up admit it, and as soon as possible. My own
game was originally started by another dm. He had to drop out.
Using the high level of player enthusiasm I was able to put together
my own campaign.

Whew, that is enough for now.

Bruce Saul

Section 3: Article by Rob McNeur

[Compiler's note: This article was posted in response to Bruce Saul's

Subject: Re: Want advice on AD&D PBEM
From: (Rob McNeur)
Date: 14 Jan 94 17:23:54 NZDT

As well as that
(6) If you want to focus on ROLE-playing, check all initial
characters carefully to ensure that no-one is trying to start
with unfair characters (in stats or equipment)
(7) Try and be available to players every day to answer questions
and do short updates for situations that only affect individuals
rather than the whole group
(8) Inform all players of any house-rules in advance, but be willing
to discuss them
(9) Before any combats, get a general idea of what each individaul
intends to try and do and then try and do as many rounds of
combat as you can or the whole combat if you can do so without
needing to get back to the players. The smoother it flows, the
more the players (and the DM) enjoy it.
(10) Remember rule 1 ! Always do everyone's dice rolls yourself.
It really does save arguments, and any players that don't want
to play that way are probably going to argue about anything anyway.

/ / )
>>---|-> get my point ?
\ )
\ / Rob McNeur


Andrew Fabbro | On the Internet, | no one knows you're a Nosferatu.
University of Michigan |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ann Arbor, Michigan | " you smell something?"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- Ray Stantz--

Vastaa lainaten
Vanha 08.01.2003, 05:05
Esa Esa ei ole kirjautuneena
Rekisteröitynyt: 05.12.01
Sijainti: Trinidad and Tobago.
Viestit: 170

Mä tuun.

-- Esa
Vastaa lainaten
Vanha 08.01.2003, 05:08
Devon Devon ei ole kirjautuneena
Rekisteröitynyt: 02.01.02
Sijainti: Hakis, Burkina Faso (Upper Volta).
Viestit: 5

laske mut mukaan.

-We all go a little mad sometimes-
Vastaa lainaten
Vanha 08.01.2003, 09:38
Wille Wille ei ole kirjautuneena
Rekisteröitynyt: 24.09.01
Sijainti: Finland.
Viestit: 234

kerran mielestäni jo replysin, joku on vaan syönyt sen. Eli tulen mukaan.
Tämmöinen pelimuoto vaatii vain kohtuullista eforttia.

Vastaa lainaten
Vanha 08.01.2003, 10:52
Gazza Gazza ei ole kirjautuneena
Rekisteröitynyt: 13.03.02
Sijainti: Finland.
Viestit: 86

Jep mä voisin tulla mukaan. Enpä ole pitkään aikaa pelaillutkaan...


Vastaa lainaten
Vanha 08.01.2003, 14:42
Lars:n Avatar
Lars Lars ei ole kirjautuneena
Humble Administrator
Rekisteröitynyt: 22.09.01
Sijainti: Helsinki, Finland
Viestit: 2.471
Blog Entries: 2

Onko kukaan innostunut pelinjohtamisesta?

Eilen yöllä kehittelin vähän sääntömuutoksia mitä peliin joutuu pelimuodon takia tekemään. Voin naputella ne tänne (nyt en kerkee) ennen kun alotetaan pelaan ja saatte haukkua ne lyttyyn jos ne on huonoja. <img src=icon_smile_tongue.gif border=0 align=middle>

(liittyen lähinnä hahmojen erossa oloon ja noppien heittelyyn)

Vastaa lainaten
Vanha 08.01.2003, 14:45
mikk0 mikk0 ei ole kirjautuneena
Rekisteröitynyt: 25.09.01
Sijainti: Out of this World.
Viestit: 271

mää tuun kanssa, mutta johtaa en uskalla

Vastaa lainaten
Vanha 08.01.2003, 15:22
Elmo Elmo ei ole kirjautuneena
Rekisteröitynyt: 24.09.01
Sijainti: Tre, Finland.
Viestit: 404

mää tuun kuhan pelissa ei ole kääpiöitä. ne on iljettäviä. en ole saanut armeijassa johtaja koulutusta, joten en voi johtaa.

Locate me at Ristiässä.
Vastaa lainaten
Vanha 08.01.2003, 16:43
KariSalmelainen KariSalmelainen ei ole kirjautuneena
Rekisteröitynyt: 17.02.02
Sijainti: Ulan Bator, Mongolia.
Viestit: 785

Voisit Lars kans laittaa tähän alkuun vähän yleisesti roolipeleistä. Mulla ei ole minkäänlaista hajua mitä niissä tehdään tai toimitaan. Olis kans kiva tietää, kuinka intensiivisesti siinä pitää olla mukana jne.. mä oon koneella oikeestaan vaan iltasin. Armeijakoulutukseni puolesta voin toimia kulunvalvonnassa ja nostella puomia.

-ozz7pp.. ke?-
Vastaa lainaten
Vanha 08.01.2003, 18:44
Lars:n Avatar
Lars Lars ei ole kirjautuneena
Humble Administrator
Rekisteröitynyt: 22.09.01
Sijainti: Helsinki, Finland
Viestit: 2.471
Blog Entries: 2


No roolipeleissä toimitaan ihan niin kuin oikeassa elämässäkin. Ainoastaan että vuosi voi olla joku muu kuin oikeasti. Olet (tai hahmosi on) ammatiltasi ja persoonaltasi joku muu kuin sinä itse (yleensä) ja joissakin peleissä voi olla vaikka eläimiä jne.

Eli annetaan joku lähtötilanne, ja sitten hahmosi kykyjen, taitojen, luonteen ja persoonallisuuden mukaan toimit kuten parhaaksi näet (tai hahmosi parhaaksi näkee).

Maailmassa tapahtuvat asiat sinulle kuvailee pelinjohtaja, joka "ajaa maailmaa" jossa pelaajat kulkevat ja toimivat.

Hahmosi (oletetaan että olet ihminen) sukupuolen, iän, kyvyt, ruumiinrakenteen jne. määrittelet sinä itse sääntöjen ja noppien puitteissa. Voit olla jotain mitä et oikeassa elämässä pysty oleen (olympiamitalisti, sotasankari) vaikka haluaisit, tai voit roolipelata vaikka paikallista kylähullua tai rapajuoppoa.

Pelaajat ja tapahtumat sitoo yhteen joku pelinjohtajan kehittämä pirullinen juoni jonka ratkaisun löytymiseksi peliä pelataan. Pelinjohtaja jotenkin salakavalasti johtaa pelaajat juonen äärelle.

Tässä on lyhyesti ja nopeasti minun näkemykseni roolipeleistä (mielessäni esikuvana oli tietty cthulhu & d&d). Korjatkaa jos olen "väärässä", kysykää jos on kysyttävää ja lisätkää jos on lisättävää.

Yhteen lauseeseen tiivistettynä: Jos osaat jotenkin toimia oikeassa elämässä, ja sinulla on hitunen mielikuvitusta, osaat roolipelata. (tai ainakin pystyt oppimaan)

Vastaa lainaten
Vanha 08.01.2003, 18:44
trulez trulez ei ole kirjautuneena
Rekisteröitynyt: 02.10.01
Sijainti: Tampere, Finland.
Viestit: 409

MINÄ MINÄ MINÄ!!! Olen mukana siis <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

Yks kysymys, miks valitsit sähköpostin pelivälineeksi?

Meillähän on täällä Simolin.Com:ssa toimiva foorumi ja foorumipelijä näkee JOKAISELLA roolipeliin vähänkin liittyvällä foorumilla(esim. NeverwinterNights foorumissa niitä oli useampia, NWN fanisaiteilla joilla kävin niitä oli useita jne.) Miksei siis käytettäisi tätä jumalansuomaa paikkaa hyväksemme ja pelattaisi foorumipeliä?


ps. jos PlayByMail tarkoittaa myös foorumipelaamista niin vetäydyn häpeässä nurkkaan <img src=icon_smile_blush.gif border=0 align=middle>

<center>-Keio™ was here-</center>
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Vanha 08.01.2003, 18:49
Lars:n Avatar
Lars Lars ei ole kirjautuneena
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Rekisteröitynyt: 22.09.01
Sijainti: Helsinki, Finland
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No en ollut ajatellutkaan tätä vaihtoehtoa, erinomainen ehdotus. <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

Aluksi ajattelin ettei foorumipelaaminen onnistuisi esim pelaajien ollessa erossa, mutta jos pistää rpg foorumin vaikkapa pj:n moderoiduksi, pj ja pelaaja näkevät moderoimattomat postit ja kun hahmot kokoontuvat pelissä voi pj "hyväksyä" pelaajan muista erillään tekemät toimet.

lyhyesti sanottuna, rokimon.

mailitse voisi tosin saada mukaan muitakin kuin aktiivikäyttäjiä, siksi ajattelin mailia heti alkuun.

Vastaa lainaten
Vanha 08.01.2003, 18:51
trulez trulez ei ole kirjautuneena
Rekisteröitynyt: 02.10.01
Sijainti: Tampere, Finland.
Viestit: 409

Toisaalta taas fooruminkäytöllä voisi saada PetriSimolin.Com:iin uusia vakikäyttäjiä joita aikaisemmin ei ole ollut, roolipelifoorumin vetovoimaa käyttäen hyväksi. <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>

<center>-Keio™ was here-</center>
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Vanha 08.01.2003, 18:53
Lars:n Avatar
Lars Lars ei ole kirjautuneena
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Rekisteröitynyt: 22.09.01
Sijainti: Helsinki, Finland
Viestit: 2.471
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joo ja sais kätevästi pj mahdolliset kuvat ja/tai kartat sommiteltua jutun sekaan
(kaikilla ei välttämättä toimi html mailit)

Vastaa lainaten
Vanha 08.01.2003, 18:54
Wille Wille ei ole kirjautuneena
Rekisteröitynyt: 24.09.01
Sijainti: Finland.
Viestit: 234


Vastaa lainaten
Vanha 08.01.2003, 19:03
KariSalmelainen KariSalmelainen ei ole kirjautuneena
Rekisteröitynyt: 17.02.02
Sijainti: Ulan Bator, Mongolia.
Viestit: 785

Mitenkäs pitkään tällänen peli sitten kestää ja onko tässä joku voittaja sit lopussa? Liittyykö tälläinen pelaaminen jotenkin saatananpalvontaan kuten esim. heavy musiikki?

-ozz7pp.. ke?-
Vastaa lainaten
Vanha 08.01.2003, 19:05
Lars:n Avatar
Lars Lars ei ole kirjautuneena
Humble Administrator
Rekisteröitynyt: 22.09.01
Sijainti: Helsinki, Finland
Viestit: 2.471
Blog Entries: 2

No ei varsinaisesti ole mitään voittajaa. Pelin kesto riippuu pelin tahdista tässä tapauksessa (email/forum), pelinjohtajan kavaluudesta ja pelaajien nokkeluudesta. (= kauan joka tapauksessa)

Ei liity saatananpalvontaan mitenkään. (hahmosi voi olla saatananpalvoja jos niin haluat / pj sallii)

Vastaa lainaten
Vanha 08.01.2003, 19:06
trulez trulez ei ole kirjautuneena
Rekisteröitynyt: 02.10.01
Sijainti: Tampere, Finland.
Viestit: 409

Niin, yks tärkee kysymys, mitäs pelijärjestelmää Lars, tai muut, ajatteli ?

Mä voin vetää peliä jos joku kiinnostunut seikkailmaan Keski-Maan mielenkiintoisissa maailmoissa, Keski-Maan säännöt löytyvät netistä .pdf muodossa ja voin pistää linkit tänne mistä voitte ne imuttaa heti kun oon ite imunnu ne kaikki. (jos et jaksa odottaa niin laita MERP tai ICE hakusanaksi mihin tahansa p2p ohjelmaan ja hittejä pitäisi ropista, Rolemaster-sarja on Keski-Maan lisäkirjat)

Voin myös vetää pelejä Cyberpunk:ssa(omista perus säännöt mutten lisäkirjoja) ja Paranoia:ssakin(tästäkin omaan vain perussäänöt mutten sen enempää).

<center>-Keio™ was here-</center>
Vastaa lainaten
Vanha 08.01.2003, 19:42
Lars:n Avatar
Lars Lars ei ole kirjautuneena
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Rekisteröitynyt: 22.09.01
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Mä tietty ajattelen Cthulhua <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle> mutta mulle pelaajana kelpaa mikä vaan.

(Chatin kommentteihin viitaten) Jos jonkun pelaaminen meinaa jäädä kiinni jostain sääntöjen imutuksista, niin lupaan poltella säännöt cd:lle tms.

Mietin noppienheitto systeemiin sellasen pienen utilinkin jo. (helppo tehdä, helppo käyttää)

Vastaa lainaten
Vanha 09.01.2003, 15:18
Lars:n Avatar
Lars Lars ei ole kirjautuneena
Humble Administrator
Rekisteröitynyt: 22.09.01
Sijainti: Helsinki, Finland
Viestit: 2.471
Blog Entries: 2

En sitten tehnytkään

valmiita nopanheittoutileita (ekaa ja tokaa testasin ja rokkaili nätisti):

Siinä niitä. Onko muuten joitakin tulossa pelaamaan jotka ei vielä tiedä mitä tarkoittaa D6, 2D6 tai 4D10 ?

Koska trulez saisit sääntökirjaa jonnekin langan päähän imutettavaksi?

Vastaa lainaten
Vanha 09.01.2003, 17:00
KariSalmelainen KariSalmelainen ei ole kirjautuneena
Rekisteröitynyt: 17.02.02
Sijainti: Ulan Bator, Mongolia.
Viestit: 785

Mä jätän suosiolla ton pelin väliin.. tuntuu menevän nyt liian hankalaks mulle! Mukavaa peliä teille..

-ozz7pp.. ke?-
Vastaa lainaten
Vanha 09.01.2003, 17:11
Lars:n Avatar
Lars Lars ei ole kirjautuneena
Humble Administrator
Rekisteröitynyt: 22.09.01
Sijainti: Helsinki, Finland
Viestit: 2.471
Blog Entries: 2

Eli mukana on nyt Esa, Dev, Wille, Gazza, Lars, Mikk0, Elmo, Trulez.

Trulez on ilmoittanut voivansa johtaa.

Onko muita kiinnostuneita?

Pitäiskö tehdä vote pelin tyylistä? (fantasia, kauhu, tulevaisuus, jne.)

Vastaa lainaten

Käyttäjiä lukemassa tätä viestiketjua: 1 (0 jäsentä and 1 vierasta)


Samanlaisia viestiketjuja
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Sivu luotu: 16:37 (GMT +2).