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Jokes Jokes, funny stuff

Työkalut Etsi tästä viestiketjusta Näkymä
Vanha 04.01.2008, 19:33
Elmo Elmo ei ole kirjautuneena
Rekisteröitynyt: 24.09.01
Sijainti: Tre, Finland.
Viestit: 404


A guy walks into a sperm bank wearing a ski mask and holding a gun. He goes up to the nurse and orders her to open the vault. She says, "But, sir, it's just a sperm bank!" "Open it now!" he demands. She opens the vault, and it's full of test tube samples. "Take one and drink it," says the guy. "But it's sperm!" she pleads. "Do it!" So the nurse sucks it back. "That one there, drink that one as well," he continues. The nurse does as she's told. Finally, after four samples the man takes off his ski mask. It's her husband! "See?" he says. "Was it that bad?"

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Sivu luotu: 05:49 (GMT +2).