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Foorumi : General talk Etsi tältä foorumilta
  Foorumi Viimeisin viesti Viestiketjut Viestit
Business (2 lukemassa)
Business, companies, stock market, economy, money, investments
36 213
Cooking & Food (3 lukemassa)
Food, beverages, cooking, eating, serving food
27.01.2008 16:40 Siirry viimeiseen viestiin
66 343
Share your essays, Talk about school & education
17.05.2005 20:28 Siirry viimeiseen viestiin
12 59
Health issues
07.12.2009 07:50 Siirry viimeiseen viestiin
31 464
Outdoor hobbies. Fishing, soccer, track-and-field, swimming, birdwatch, climbing, parachuting
01.12.2007 21:47 Siirry viimeiseen viestiin
31 336
Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Atheists, Tribal Religions, Sikhism, Judaism, Shamanists, Spiritism, Confucianism, Baha'i Faith, Jainism, Shinto, Zoroastrianism, etc.
10.04.2007 20:46 Siirry viimeiseen viestiin
24 203
Is he/she right for you? How does it feel to be in love? Is it ok to have an affair?
19.03.2008 00:51 Siirry viimeiseen viestiin
49 533
Society (3 lukemassa)
What is wrong with our society? What must we do to make it better? Politics, law, war, racism
106 716
Terrorism, terrorist hits, terrorist organizations, terrorists, Osama bin Laden
24 133
This And That (12 lukemassa)
Everything that does not fit under any other category
25.02.2021 07:10 Siirry viimeiseen viestiin
331 2.745
Bullshit (3 lukemassa)
Everything that should not be written down anywhere
137 833

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Sivu luotu: 04:34 (GMT +2).